Today is day 3 of the show here in Baltimore. We are at the halfway point and my body is growing weary and tired. My mind is tiring and wondering how God will show up for my business....or will HE? I keep returning to the fact that HE has always taken care of me and will continue to give what we need....not what we want or desire.
Looking beyond the show today I want to reflect on something that happened to me yesterday morning. I had to make a service call to a customer in the morning, but had to get into my booth at the show because I had forgotten the address and customer information there the night before. Security is pretty tough in the off hours of the show, so I had to beg the guards to let me in that early in the morning. While I was waiting, another gentleman came in and needed to get in to his booth as well. As we talked he explained that he had to pack up his booth and get on a flight back home to Oregon. He proceeded to tell me that his son called and said his wife was in the hospital and not sure what her status was at that moment. He explained that he feared a stroke or anuirism. He was obviously stressed and worried. When I said my name he said that he remembered me from last years show. He said that he read my biography that I printed in the front of my catalog and thought it was interesting and nice. Before he left I asked for his wife's name and said I would pray for her and him as he traveled back. He thanked me and moved on quickly.
I was thinking about the encounter later that day when I really wondered what he meant when he commented about my bio. Was it my reference to my faith? It made me think how am I presenting myself? Do I allow others to see the real me? Or do I give them a he mask that I feel comfortable showing them? (Will share more about masks tomorrow) Obviously something touched him enough to remember what I wrote about. It opened my eyes to the fact that we make impressions on people even when we don't realize it.
I have been moved by this song by Need to Breathe called The Garden since I heard it the first time, but God penetrated my heart with it today. It spoke to me in way that I could draw new inspiration that would regenerate my tired and weary body and soul.
My prayer today and as I move forward is found in the chorus of this song...."Let the songs I sing, bring to you, Let words I say profess my love, Let the notes I choose be your favorite tune, Father let my heart be after you!"
What is the song you're singing, the words you are saying, and the notes of your daily thoughts and actions?
I know mine are not always in tune, but when I submit myself to HIS, my key changes and aligns in beautiful harmony with HIM.
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