Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can You Have Me?

Once again it has been some time since I last wrote my thoughts down to share with others. When I ponder the reasons I come up with many excuses and reasons I have not taken the time, but deep down I felt like I had nothing to share that would impact the lives of others. Has my mind changed.....not really......but I decided that when I write it helps me collect my thoughts and gain some more understanding to the mystery and journey that I am on with Christ.

Since I last shared in Sept. so much has happened. Andrea and I continue on this journey each day wondering what could be next? We felt called to leave our home church last summer and step out to be in a new church plant here in Springfield. If you have ever walked through that was hard. Through it all though I felt like God kept saying to us. "What are you holding onto more than me?" Did we want to hold onto the comforts the familiarity of friends, areas of service, and all that we had been accustomed to for the past 10 years? Or did we submit to His calling and step out in faith to trust that His plans are greater than what we can conjure? We took the step out because the recurring theme that has guided us for the past year let go of all you hold onto more than God himself. It is tough and easy all in the same breath. It is hard to let go of your human tangible comforts. On the other hand when you realize that those comforts are short lived and fleeting, it is easy to grasp onto the unchanging and unfailing love of Christ. He won't let go, won't lead astray, or let you down.

Proverbs 19:21 says "Many are the plan's in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." I have had so many plans in my life, plans that I thought were good and ashamedly plans that I had for sin to quench my lustful heart. No matter what the plans I made, guess what? God's plans always superseded my own. I can't out plan, out think, or out smart Him. Believe me I have tried, but when my desires don't mesh with His plans.......failure!

So where does this leave me? I resolved to try and follow His plans. My plans have led me down paths that were selfish and destructive. When I take my eyes and focus off Christ life becomes a mess. Why? We have an enemy that seeks to hurt and destroy us to wound God. Whether you acknowledge it or not the enemy lurks around you waiting for the right moment to pounce!

How do you let go and follow His plans? I recently heard this song by Sidewalk Prophets and the words have burned into my memory. The lyrics:
"If I saw you on the street and you said come and follow me, but I had to give up everything, all I once held dear and all of my dreams.....would I love you enough to let go or would my love run dry when ask for my life?"

Listen to the link below and see if you find an answer to what God is calling for your life? I realized that I had to let go of my selfishness and perception of what the world says for my life.
"If you're all you claim to be, then I am not losing anything" My life has changed for the better with this perspective. Am I perfect no....just human striving to mirror God's heart!