In the parable of the sower and the seed in Bible Jesus compares the seed to the the truth of God and the soil to the people who are receiving it. We all have the ability to be good soil and nourish what God gives us through His word. He has designed each one of us to be in a relationship with Him and others so that we will glorify Him. Just as the parable states there are many types of soil. He explains each type:
The rocky soil: The truth is heard but does not take root because there is no room for growth
The path: The seed cannot take root because the soil is so hard and will not accept it.
The thorns The truth is heard and starts to grow but suffocated by the thorns and weeds.
The good soil: The truth is heard and the seed grows and flourishes because the soil has been open to tending and cultivating.
This parable was discussed in a book I have been reading called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. He talks about how we have dismissed a God is unbelieveably crazy about us even though we reject Him and abandon His design for us. As I read this section about the parable of the sower Chan posed this thought to me that hit hard. Chan said "Don't assume that you are the good soil" When he said this it made me take a deep look at my life. I had assumed that since I was basically a good person and I accepted Christ that from that moment on I was in the good soil category. After I allowed this sink in and examined my life I realized I would fit more into the thorny soil.
Thorns are anything that distracts us from our relationship with God. When we want God and a bunch of other stuff it chokes out God. These things can be money, sins , addictions, commitments, or anything that competes with our relationship.
It caused me to ask has my relationship and life changed since becoming a follower. Am I becoming more like Him? Am I being transformed? Is my life showing fruit or am I trying to fit Jesus into my nice little life? Am I trying to live a "balanced life"? Has Jesus become another section of my resume in order to project a "good image" prove to God I am worthy? This is a dangerous trap to step into, but so easy.
I find that I am going through a process of taking the thorns out of my soil. Removing habitual sins, allowing Christ to lead me in removing what He wants instead of allowing the influence of the world control me. It is painful and scary at times though. Christ asks us to trust Him fully....that is scary. Why though? Has He ever hurt me? does He not have my best interests in mind? Has He ever led me down a path that was not fruitful? The answer is a resounding "NO"
"What soil are you?"